WIKI Markup Help

The WIKI markup language is an alternative to the HTML standard that is much easier to handle and understand and subsequently quicker for novices and experts a like to produce complex formatting. utilises the WIKI markup language for its comments.

By in large, you can forget about the WIKI syntax and just write your comment as normal. All links will automatically be hyperlinked, and all paragraphs honored. If however you wish to do a little more advanced formatting, the table below shows all the different WIKI methods you can use for your comments.

For more information on WIKI, the history and application of it please visit:

links []
[ BBC News Site]
bold '''bold this text'''
headers = Header One =
== Header Two ==
italics ''italics this text''
underline __Underline this text__
superscript ^superscript this text^
subscript ,,subscript this text,,
monospace {{{monospace this text}}}
code {{{subscript
this text}}}
lists  * Basic List
 1. Numbered List
 a. Alpha List
 A. Alpha (capital) List
 i. Roman List
 I. Roman (capital) List
 term:: definition Defintion List
images []