I have been on dianette for nearly a year and have been suffering from depression, anxiety and paranoia. i am so glad to read that this is a common side effect and have now been taken off it. I am shocked that I wasn't warned about this
I have been on Dianette for the past few months and I have suffered from depression paranoia and had panic attacks quite frequently! I have seen alot of negitive reports on dianette and am quite concerned that women are not warned that this can happen! I have now stoped taking dianette and since been feeling better, I realise its effects can however take a while to get out of your system.
Dianette made me very depressed. I have definitely felt better since I came off it and wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
I was on Dianette for 6 yrs and recently came off it as my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer so I was concerned about the estrogen content, I have a history of depression(past 9 yrs) and definitely feel my mood is better since coming off it. I was aware of the warning that is in the pack but as far as I was concerned Schering were covering ALL possible side effects and also their own backs by doing so.
Yep, I developed anxiety and got panic attacks whilst on Dianne 35 ED from 2000-2004. Looking back at it, the anxiety started shortly after starting it. Same doctor who wrote the prescription for Dianne 35 ED (which i requested due to hirsuitism&painful periods) prescribed Ativan. Took Ativan for about a month but it left me feeling so unhuman, zombie and unfeeling that I went off it prefering the anxiety. I developed severe nocturnal asthma and allergies also.. I think it's got to do with vitamin B6 deficiency induced by Dianne, probably Ativan, probably the corticosteroids and ventolin I was taking for the asthma, probably the anti-histamines and decongestants I was continuously taking for the allergies, probably the glandular fever I had in 1999 prior to Dianne, and aggrevated by acute stressful periods, such as HSC, family leaving permanently to live overseas and getting married.
I'm now on my second 21day pack of Dianette and wasn't sure whether my mood swings and how upset I have been was because of just what's going on in my life right now, or perhaps the pill. But to be honest I'm still not sure, not that I don't believe it can, but because it's just the situation I'm in. We'll have to see. But I don't think it's helped with how I'm feeling that's for sure.