Visit the above website for all the current and up to date info on the defective and dangerous drug that is Seroxat...
Everyone is entitled to their view, but anti medication sites are all much the same, usually listing the same set of claimed horrendous side effects and dire warning of the consequences for those who are duped into taking them by evil, money grasping doctors. What you rarely find are viable alternatives to the "demon" drug(s).
Do some people have bad reactions to paroxetine? Yes.
Do some people have bad reactions to SSRIs? Yes.
Does that mean they should be banned? No.
For every drug there are a small number who are harmed by them. Antibiotics have saved countless millions of lives, but also killed more than a few. Some 12-15,000 Americans die each year from reactions to aspirin, another 75-100,000 require hospitalization.
There are risks in everything. Just driving to the pharmacy is risky. So is doing nothing. About 15-20% with anxiety disorders or depression will attempt suicide. Sadly, many succeed - and despite the impression media reports often give, very few of them were taking antidepressants at the time. Indeed, very few had any treatment.
For the great majority of anxiety or depression patients antidepressants are the only treatment they can readily access and/or afford. Without an alternative your scaremongering is, at best, a waste of time, and at worst, by scaring off those who need help, may actually cause more suffering than it saves.