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Phobias A-Z: Luposlipaphobia

« H E » email
posted Wednesday, 6 September 2006

An abnormal, persistent fear of of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor

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1. Brad Majors left...
Friday, 22 December 2006 11:40 pm

Luposlipaphobia is not a real phobia. It was invented for a Far Side cartoon...

2. Anxiety Insights left...
Saturday, 23 December 2006 7:52 am :: https://anxietyinsights.info/

To attempt it -- beginning to end -- outside of a first rate psychiatric hospital is certainly contraindicated.

But it can be done. Literally millions of epileptics were moved off benzodiazepines, mostly clonazepam, when newer, supposedly better, drugs became available 20 years ago. It appears from the literature that relatively few were seriously troubled, though some have since had to be switched back because the alternatives sometimes proved less effective than advertised.

I believe the difference is partly that neurologists were/are more aware of the need to go slow, very slow.

And partly its that most epileptics don't have an anxiety disorder needing attention.

Many GPs/PCPs and psychiatrists (and often their patients) have this 'quaint' idea that once you've been on medication for a while you're cured and can just go off the drug/s and get on with life. So the patients isn't given an alternate means - another drug or psychotherapy - of coping should a relapse occur, which under the stress of removing the 'crutch' plus some side-effects it frequently does.

If your doctor refuses to prescribe benzodiazepines, as increasing numbers under pressure from the anti-benzo zealots are, then try a neurologists. IME, by knowing more about the workings of neurons they are less affected by the zealotry.