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"Don't smoke, whatever you do, just don't smoke."
Yul Brynner
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Physical loss, powerlessness can traumatize in wake of nature's wrath
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A drug abuse agency in New Orleans released the results of a survey this month that found one in seven people are drinking more to deal with the emotional stress of Hurricane Katrina. The survey also found people are taking more prescription drugs to cope and there was an increase in overall mental health problems. The dynamics are no surprise to Lawrence native Mary Anne Alliegro and her husband, Mark. They have been hearing stories that support the survey's findings since leaving their home in the New Orleans area after Katrina to stay with friends while their home is being rebuilt. "Around here there's a lot more smoking and a lot more drinking than there was before the storm," Mark said. There are also lots of stress, feelings of loss and even physical injuries, like people falling off roofs, that seem to be tied to frazzled states of mind, he said. This is just the tip of the iceberg in what doctors predict will be a mental health crisis that may not be fully realized for years. More... posted Tuesday, 23 May 2006 |