Rat memory eraser study challenges prevailing theories
A study funded in part by the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health has found that chemically blocking an enzyme in a specific area in the brain's cortex, or outer mantle, erases the long-term memory of an aversive event that rats had learned. The erasing occurred even if the blocking agent was administered weeks after the event and appeared to be permanent.
This and related discoveries suggest that the enzyme, known as PKMzeta (PKMζ), may be required for sustaining memories throughout the brain. Most current theories instead hold that long-term memories are encoded as enduring structural changes in the connections between neurons - and thus would not be chemically erasable.
"If PKMzeta gives memories their staying power, it might be an ideal target of new therapies for disorders of memory," suggested NIMH grantee Todd Sacktor, M.D., of the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center. "For example, perhaps traumatic memories associated with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) could be selectively erased by blocking the enzyme. Or perhaps boosting the enzyme action could enhance memory generally for those with mild cognitive impairment."
Sacktor and colleagues Reut Shema and Yadin Dudai, Ph.D., Weizmann Institute of Science, reported on their discovery in a recent issue of the journal Science.
Last year, Sacktor and colleagues showed that PKMζ is required for a process underlying initial formation of long-term spatial memory. Blocking this enzyme in the hippocampus, a memory hub, erased rats' conditioned fear of spaces associated with getting shocked. But little was known about the enzyme's role in the cortex, where most memories are thought to be stored long-term.
To learn more, the researchers conditioned rats to persistently shun the taste of saccharin by pairing it with lithium, which triggers nausea in the animals. But the rats' sweet tooth returned within two hours after the researchers infused a PKMζ-blocking drug called ZIP into the rats' seat of taste memory, known as the insular cortex. ZIP erased the taste aversion even when it was given 25 days after the rats were conditioned. Also, it worked only retroactively - injecting it before conditioning did not prevent the rats from learning the association later, indicating that the drug did not damage the cortex's memory-sustaining capacity. However, all long-term association memories in the affected cortex area were likely erased, according to Sacktor.
Until now, enzyme action was thought to play a major role only in the initial making of memories, allowing structural changes in synapses, the connections between neurons, to handle the task of long-term storage. In an earlier study, Sacktor and colleagues found that PKMζ appeared to work by doubling a type of receptor for the chemical messenger glutamate at synapses. When the enzyme was blocked, the receptors receded, perhaps erasing the memories.
"This provides a clue that the structural changes encoding memories are smaller in scale, more fragile than had been thought, and require continuous enzymatic activity," said Sacktor.
He added that the new findings suggest a possible way to turn to advantage the counter-intuitive, but well documented, phenomenon that a memory becomes more vulnerable to being lost when it is retrieved from long-term storage. If storage requires PKMζ, then blocking the synthesis of specific PKMζ molecules encoding a retrieved traumatic memory might prevent the memory from re-entering long-term storage and relieve PTSD symptoms, suggested Sacktor.
Shema R, Sacktor TC, Dudai Y. Rapid Erasure of Long-Term Memory Associations in the Cortex by an Inhibitor of PKMζ. Science 2007 Aug;317(5840)951-953 [Abstract]