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September 2006

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Anxious, depressed or distressed mothers have small mid-term fetuses

Saturday, 30 September 2006 6:26 A GMT+01
Fetuses of mothers who show high rates of depression, anxiety and stress weigh less and are smaller than average at midterm, according to a recent study from the University of Miami School of Medicine.

Complicated grief needs specific treatment

Saturday, 30 September 2006 6:25 A GMT+01
Sometimes, after the loss of a loved one, symptoms of grief linger and become increasingly debilitating. This condition, called complicated grief, has features of both depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Injury severity as a risk factor for PTSD

Saturday, 30 September 2006 6:25 A GMT+01
The emotional impact of injury deepens in the first year after evacuation from combat according to a study by Thomas A. Grieger, M.D., and colleagues of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU), Walter Reed Army Medical Center,

Anxiety worsens hot flashes [flushes]

Saturday, 30 September 2006 6:24 A GMT+01
Controlling lifestyle stress and anxiety may help reduce the number and severity of hot flashes associated with menopause, according to doctors at the University of Pennsylvania. Hot flashes are perhaps the most troublesome symptom associated with ap

Abstract: Cerebellar volumes in pediatric maltreatment-related PTSD

Saturday, 30 September 2006 6:23 A GMT+01
Biol Psychiatry. 2006 Aug 23; [Epub ahead of print] Cerebellar Volumes in Pediatric Maltreatment-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. De Bellis MD, Kuchibhatla M. Healthy Childhood Brain Development and Developmental Traumatology Research Program

[USA] Study confirms suicide rates dropping

Saturday, 30 September 2006 6:22 A GMT+01
Suicide rates among the youngest and oldest Americans have steadily declined since the late 1980s, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday in a finding that contradicts popular conceptions that rates were rising.

Genes linked to depression

Friday, 29 September 2006 6:20 A GMT+01
A handful of genes may be responsible for causing major depressive disorder, according to a first-of-its-kind study by psychiatrists at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine.

Misdiagnosing Narcissism - Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Friday, 29 September 2006 6:18 A GMT+01
Anxiety Disorders - and especially Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) - are often misdiagnosed as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

IBS sufferers have high depression, fibromyalgia and migraine risk

Friday, 29 September 2006 6:18 A GMT+01
Patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are more likely to suffer from conditions such as migraine or depression than other individuals.

Sugar linked with mental problems in Norway study

Friday, 29 September 2006 6:17 A GMT+01
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Oslo teens who drank the most sugary soft drinks also had more mental health problems such as hyperactivity and distress, Norwegian researchers reported on Thursday.

Phobias A-Z: Pharmacophobia

Friday, 29 September 2006 6:16 A GMT+01
Pharmacophobia An abnormal, persistent fear of taking medication

Stereotypes, stigma prevent older men seeking depression help

Thursday, 28 September 2006 9:13 A GMT+01
A man's stereotypical self-image as the "strong, silent type" and the stigma of depression are major reasons why older men are less likely than women to be referred to studies of depression, to seek treatment for depression,

Abstract: Comparison of two treatment strategies in inpatients with a depressive disorder

Thursday, 28 September 2006 9:12 A GMT+01
Tijdschr Psychiatr.2006;48(4):271-81.Comparison of the effectiveness of two treatment strategies in inpatients with a depressive disorder. A double-blind study of imipramine followed by lithium addition versus fluvoxamine followed by lithium addition

Phobias A-Z: Phagophobia

Thursday, 28 September 2006 9:10 A GMT+01
Phagophobia An abnormal, persistent fear of swallowing or of eating or of being eaten

'Quick' thinking makes us happy, energized and self-confident

Wednesday, 27 September 2006 7:12 A GMT+01
When people are made to think quickly, they report feeling happier as a result. They also say they are more energetic, more creative, more powerful, and more self-assured.


Wednesday, 27 September 2006 7:11 A GMT+01
How teen broke free from shackles of social anxiety disorder Kristen Silary was at a restaurant with her mother and grandmother the first time she became uncontrollably nervous about what other people might be thinking of her.

Is hysteria real? Brain images say Yes

Wednesday, 27 September 2006 7:10 A GMT+01
Hysteria is a 4,000-year-old diagnosis that has been applied to no mean parade of witches, saints and, of course, Anna O. But over the last 50 years, the word has been spoken less and less.

Avera completes enrollment in social anxiety drug study

Wednesday, 27 September 2006 7:07 A GMT+01
Avera Pharmaceuticals has completed enrollment in its phase II study of its Neurokinin-1 (NK-1) antagonist AV608 in patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD).

Phobias A-Z: Pentheraphobia

Wednesday, 27 September 2006 7:03 A GMT+01
Pentheraphobia An abnormal, persistent fear of the mother-in-law

Modern life leads to more depression among children

Tuesday, 26 September 2006 9:37 A GMT+01
Sir - As professionals and academics from a range of backgrounds, we are deeply concerned at the escalating incidence of childhood depression and children's behavioural and developmental conditions.

Mistreated kids more likely to smoke, drink, fight and suffer from depression as adolescents

Tuesday, 26 September 2006 9:36 A GMT+01
Children who are left home alone, physically neglected, physically assaulted or sexually abused are more likely to smoke cigarettes or marijuana, drink alcohol, abuse inhalants and be depressed or violent when they reach adolescence, according to a s

Abstract: Basilar artery blood flow velocity changes in patients with PD following 35% CO2 challenge

Tuesday, 26 September 2006 9:32 A GMT+01
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2006 Sep 19; [Epub ahead of print] Basilar artery blood flow velocity changes in patients with panic disorder following 35% carbon dioxide challenge. Alkin T, Tural U, Onur E, Ozturk V, Monkul ES, Kutluk K.

[Pharmaceuticals] Spam trail uncovers junk empire

Tuesday, 26 September 2006 9:32 A GMT+01
An investigation into a seemingly routine series of spam messages has revealed how sophisticated the business of online crime has become. The story begins with the junk mail messages themselves that were sent during April and May of 2006.

Phobias A-Z: Peniaphobia

Tuesday, 26 September 2006 9:23 A GMT+01
Peniaphobia An abnormal, persistent fear of poverty

Returning Vet PTSD: One wife's story

Monday, 25 September 2006 9:43 A GMT+01
Growing up in Texas, Stefanie Pelkey dreamed of being part of the military from a young age. For those who knew her well, it wasn't much of a surprise that this former Civil Air Patrol member, graduate and commissioned 2nd Lieutenant

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