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March 2005

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Brain Activity Prior to Treatment Flags Vulnerability to Antidepressant Side Effects

Thursday, 31 March 2005 7:12 A GMT+01
UCLA Researchers Report Brain Activity Prior to Treatment Flags Vulnerability to Antidepressant Side Effects Date: March 30, 2005 Contact: Dan Page ( [email protected]&

Younger Workers, Greater Depression

Thursday, 31 March 2005 7:11 A GMT+01
Younger Workers, Greater Depression: Study THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO be energetic and eager, fresh out of school and ready to take on the world. But young workers are actually more stressed and depressed than older workers, according to new research. "O

Biological link sought to mental illness

Thursday, 31 March 2005 7:10 A GMT+01
Biological link sought to mental illness EW YORK, Mar 29, 2005 (United Press International via COMTEX) - An increasing number of U.S. researchers are searching for links between viral and other infectious diseases and mental disorders, such as au

Viagra May Cause Permanent Vision Loss

Thursday, 31 March 2005 7:10 A GMT+01
U Of M Researcher Says Viagra May Cause Permanent Vision Loss In Some Men NEWS RELEASE For immediate release Contact: Jonell Rusinko, Academic Health Center, 612.624.5680 Molly Portz, Academic Health Center, 612.625.2640 MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (M

Eastern vs Western Perspectives on Depression

Thursday, 31 March 2005 7:09 A GMT+01
Eastern vs Western Perspectives on Depression: An Expert Interview With James C.-Y. Chou, MD How do specific differences in Eastern and Western cultures lead to different perspectives on depression? And what are the practical clinical ramifications

Why Some Won't Accept Depression Diagnosis

Wednesday, 30 March 2005 9:10 A GMT+01
Ann Fam Med. 2005 Jan-Feb;3(1):38-46. Beliefs and Attitudes Associated With the Intention to Not Accept the Diagnosis of Depression Among Young Adults. Van Voorhees BW, Fogel J, Houston TK, Cooper LA, Wang NY, Ford DE. Department of Medicine, The

Mental Illness: The Decision to Have Kids

Wednesday, 30 March 2005 9:07 A GMT+01
Mental Illness: The Decision to Have Kids "My mother has dealt with depression, and her mother dealt with depression [which was probably bipolar disorder]," says Cichelli, who is now 23. "So there's a good chance some mental illness will pass along

Use of drugs to treat mental illness soars

Wednesday, 30 March 2005 9:07 A GMT+01
Use of drugs to treat mental illness soars Sacramento campaign consultant Mark Capitolo credits a daily dose of anti-anxiety drugs with helping him stay "relatively sane" and out of the hospital during a difficult time in his life. "The drugs are

'Good' Bacteria Help Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Wednesday, 30 March 2005 9:04 A GMT+01
'Good' Bacteria Help Irritable Bowel Syndrome NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A "probiotic" preparation containing the beneficial microbe Bifidobacterium infantis relieves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, a common problem that usually involves cram

Medtronic Receives Humanitarian Use Device Designation for Treatment of OCD

Tuesday, 29 March 2005 9:21 A GMT+01
Medtronic Receives Humanitarian Use Device Designation for Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Medtronic, Inc. (NYSE:MDT) today announced that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has designated Activa(R) Deep Brain Stimulatio

[UK] Mental Health Foundation Launches Exercise Campaign

Sunday, 27 March 2005 9:21 A GMT+01
Mental Health Foundation Launches Poster Campaign A leading health charity was today preparing to launch a pioneering poster campaign highlighting that exercise can help safeguard mental health. The posters will carry the message that exercise can

No significant differences between sexes found in SSRI treatment

Saturday, 26 March 2005 8:01 A GMT+01
No significant differences between sexes found in SSRI treatment A study from Germany found no significant differences in how men and women are treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for depression. "Gender is known to have an influen

Depression May Up Risk of Dementia in Men

Saturday, 26 March 2005 7:54 A GMT+01
Depression May Up Risk of Dementia in Men NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Men with a history of depression long before the onset of any memory or other cognitive problems have a substantially higher risk of developing dementia, especially Alzheimer's di

Safety concerns grow over [compounding] pharmacy-mixed drugs

Saturday, 26 March 2005 7:46 A GMT+01
Safety concerns grow over pharmacy-mixed drugs At their best, such pharmacies produce a variety of medications for individual patients who can't get what they need from products made by brand-name or generic drug companies, such as flavored syrups

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation May Improve Re-Experiencing Symptoms in PTSD

Saturday, 26 March 2005 7:45 A GMT+01
ADAA: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation May Improve Re-Experiencing Symptoms in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder SEATTLE, WA - March 23, 2005 - Short-term treatment with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) may significantly reduce t

Abstract: Potential effectiveness and safety of olanzapine in refractory panic disorder.

Saturday, 26 March 2005 7:44 A GMT+01
Depress Anxiety. 2005 Mar 22; [Epub ahead of print] Potential effectiveness and safety of olanzapine in refractory panic disorder. Hollifield M, Thompson PM, Ruiz JE, Uhlenhuth EH. University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Music strikes chord on coping with pain [and anxiety]

Saturday, 26 March 2005 7:43 A GMT+01
Music strikes chord on coping with pain MUSIC, be it a Bach symphony or the snarling punk of the Sex Pistols, can relieve pain and lessen anxiety, according to two studies. The research work, by psychologists at Glasgow Caledonian University, found

Anxiety Disorders Now Seen As Brain Ailments

Friday, 25 March 2005 7:08 A GMT+01
Anxiety Disorders Now Seen As Brain Ailments Once considered a kind of self-inflicted state of constant concern a la Woody Allen, anxiety disorders are increasingly thought to have genetic roots. "For so long, people thought of anxiety disorders as

Paxil CR possibly unavailable until 2006

Friday, 25 March 2005 7:08 A GMT+01
Production Problems Turn Into Money Problems at GlaxoSmithKline GLAXOSMITHKLINE'S factory troubles are turning into a big financial problem. Three weeks after government regulators seized undelivered supplies of GlaxoSmithKline's popular antidepres

[UK] NICE issues guidance for management of PTSD

Friday, 25 March 2005 7:07 A GMT+01
NICE issues guidance for management of patients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has today issued guidelines for the NHS on how to improve the recognition, screening and treatment of po

Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: An Update

Friday, 25 March 2005 7:06 A GMT+01
Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: An Update Advances in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric disorders. Approximately 1 in 4 individuals in the United States reports a lifetime history of at least 1 anx

Recalling Iraq's Terrors Through Virtual Reality

Friday, 25 March 2005 7:05 A GMT+01
Recalling Iraq's Terrors Through Virtual Reality Therapy Aims to Alleviate Post-Traumatic Stress SAN DIEGO - Joseph Blythe settled into the couch in the psychologist's office, slipped on a pair of high-tech goggles, took hold of the joystick and

Early Results Show Topiramate May Be Effective in PTSD

Friday, 25 March 2005 7:04 A GMT+01
ADAA: Early Results Show Topiramate May Be Effective in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder EATTLE, WA - March 22, 2005 - Topiramate might emerge as a viable therapeutic option for patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to findi

Abstract: Effects of extract of Ginkgo biloba with venlafaxine on brain injury in a rat model of depression

Friday, 25 March 2005 7:03 A GMT+01
Chin Med J (Engl). 2005 Mar 5;118(5):391-7. Effects of extract of Ginkgo biloba with venlafaxine on brain injury in a rat model of depression Qin XS, Jin KH, Ding BK, Xie SF, Ma H. Department of Medical Laboratory, Second Affiliated Hospital of Chin

Quarter of US Adults Have Received Mental Health Treatment Over Two-Year Period

Thursday, 24 March 2005 7:53 A GMT+01
Quarter of US Adults Have Received Mental Health Treatment Over Two-Year Period A national survey of the general adult population and of adults who have needed or received some form of mental health treatment(1) find that more than a quarter (27%) of

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