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April 2005

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Psychological stress in pregnancy: Can it lead to depression in later life for offspring?

Saturday, 30 April 2005 7:40 A GMT+01
Press releasePsychological stress in pregnancy: Can it lead to depression in later life for offspring? Maternal stress affects foetal brain development and birth weight Low birth weight associated with depression in adulthood An editorial in the May

Abstract: Treatments for generalized anxiety disorder.

Saturday, 30 April 2005 7:37 A GMT+01
Expert Rev Neurother. 2004 Mar;4(2):285-94.Treatments for generalized anxiety disorder. Struzik L, Vermani M, Coonerty-Femiano A, Katzman MA. Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 1909 Beechknoll Ave., Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 2G4, Canada.

Anxiety Common Among Testicular Cancer Survivors

Saturday, 30 April 2005 7:35 A GMT+01
Anxiety Common Among Testicular Cancer Survivors NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Long-term survivors of testicular cancer appear to be at increased risk of anxiety disorder, a study shows. Researchers had more than 1,400 testicular cancer survivors comp

Abstract: Antidepressants reduce serotonin in some brain regions

Saturday, 30 April 2005 7:34 A GMT+01
Brain Res. 2005 May 3;1042(2):224-32.Quantitative analysis of immunolabeling for serotonin and for glutamate transporters after administration of imipramine and citalopram. Williams SM, Bryan-Lluka LJ, Pow DV. Discipline of Anatomy, School of Biomed

Abstract: Pharmacotherapy of PTSD

Saturday, 30 April 2005 7:32 A GMT+01
Expert Rev Neurother. 2005 Jan;5(1):129-39.Pharmacotherapy of post-traumatic stress disorder: a family practitioners guide to management of the disease. Katzman MA, Struzik L, Vivian LL, Vermani M, McBride JC. Start Clinic for the Treatment of Mood

GlaxoSmithKline Agrees to Correct Paxil CR Manufacturing Deficiencies

Friday, 29 April 2005 7:48 A GMT+01
FDA News Release P05-21 April 28, 2005GlaxoSmithKline Signs Consent Decree with FDA; Agrees to Correct Manufacturing Deficiencies The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today announced that GlaxoSmithKline, Inc. (GSK), (through its U.S. subsidia

Pfizer Recalls Faulty Neurontin (gabapentin) 100mg Capsules

Friday, 29 April 2005 2:26 A GMT+01
Pfizer Recalls Epilepsy Drug Pfizer is recalling about 40,000 bottles of its epilepsy drug Neurontin due to a manufacturing error that caused some bottles to be filled with empty or partially filled capsules, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FD

Abstract: Antidepressant effects of Saffron, the world's most expensive spice

Friday, 29 April 2005 2:25 A GMT+01
Phytother Res. 2005 Apr 25;19(2):148-151 [Epub ahead of print]Crocus sativus L. in the treatment of mild to moderate depression: a double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial. Akhondzadeh S, Tahmacebi-Pour N, Noorbala AA, Amini H, Fallah-Po

[Canada] Mental Health Week a great time to practice mind + body fitness

Friday, 29 April 2005 2:25 A GMT+01
Mental Health Week is a great time to start practicing mind + body fitness TORONTO, April 28, 2005 - In our efforts to be more physically fit, do we stop to think about our mental fitness? That's the question the Canadian Mental Health Association (

[US] Free Help for Anxiety Sufferers on National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day May 4, 2005

Thursday, 28 April 2005 8:49 A GMT+01
Press release:Free Help Available for Anxiety Sufferers on National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day May 4, 2005 What do Barbara Streisand, Donny Osmond, Carly Simon, and 17 million Americans have in common? They have all suffered from an anxiety diso

Abstract: Memory function in patients with OCD and the problem of confidence in their memories

Thursday, 28 April 2005 8:48 A GMT+01
Croat Med J. 2005 Apr;46(2):282-7.Memory function in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder and the problem of confidence in their memories: a clinical study. Karadag F, Oguzhanoglu N, Ozdel O, Atesci FC, Amuk T. Filiz Karadag, Pamukkale Univers

Living with OCD

Wednesday, 27 April 2005 8:37 A GMT+01
A place for everything Living with Obsessive-Compulsive disorderSitting at the dinner table during a family vacation in Hilton Head, South Carolina, seemed as good an opportunity as any for my big announcement. "I have some news," I said confidently

Lyme disease: Silent epidemic hits hard

Wednesday, 27 April 2005 8:36 A GMT+01
Lyme disease: Silent epidemic hits hard Charlotte Healy, 40, of Purcellville, is battling Lyme disease after going undiagnosed for about six years. She didn't know what was wrong with her but didn't suspect Lyme because she never saw a tick bite or

Out of our minds: Mindfulness guru preaches thinking less, sensing more

Wednesday, 27 April 2005 8:28 A GMT+01
Out of our minds: Mindfulness guru preaches thinking less, sensing more "The brain only weighs three pounds, but the mind weighs tonnes when it's in that behaviour," says mega mindfulness master Jon Kabat-Zinn, who has a PhD in molecular biology. "Wh

Confronting Trauma Directly Most Effective For PTSD

Tuesday, 26 April 2005 10:08 A GMT+01
Confronting Trauma Directly Most Effective For PTSD For patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, psychological treatments that address the trauma directly are better than more general therapies, according to a systematic review of the

European Medicines Agency Finalises Review Of Antidepressants In Children And Adolescents

Tuesday, 26 April 2005 10:08 A GMT+01
London, 25 April 2005Doc. Ref. EMEA/CHMP/128918/2005European Medicines Agency finalises review of antidepressants in children and adolescents The European Medicines Agency has completed its review of two classes of antidepressants and concluded that

'Animal hoarding' a mental disorder

Tuesday, 26 April 2005 10:08 A GMT+01
'Animal hoarding' a mental disorder Although sometimes called "collectors," a benign term equating them to collectors of baseball cards or teacups, a more accurate term is "animal hoarder." It is now considered to be a distinct mental disorder. At T

Affective disorders common after hyperthyroidism

Tuesday, 26 April 2005 10:07 A GMT+01
Affective disorders common after hyperthyroidism Patients with hospital diagnoses of hyperthyroidism have an increased risk of being re-admitted to hospital with depression or bipolar disorder following discharge, researchers report in the European J

Researchers identify protein crucial for survival of Lyme-disease bacterium

Tuesday, 26 April 2005 10:07 A GMT+01
Researchers identify protein crucial for survival of Lyme-disease bacterium DALLAS - April 25, 2005 - When the tick-borne bacterium that causes Lyme disease lacks a specific protein that responds to an incoming meal of blood, it is unable to be trans

[UK] Mentally ill missing out on care

Tuesday, 26 April 2005 10:06 A GMT+01
Mentally ill missing out on care Tens of thousands of UK mental health patients are being denied access to the care they need, a charity warns. Rethink says services for people with long-term severe mental illnesses are often being closed to fund ot

Abstract: Internet-guided self-help with or without exposure therapy for phobic and panic disorders.

Monday, 25 April 2005 9:51 A GMT+01
Psychother Psychosom. 2005;74(3):154-64.Internet-guided self-help with or without exposure therapy for phobic and panic disorders. Schneider AJ, Mataix-Cols D, Marks IM, Bachofen M. Department of Psychological Medicine, Imperial College London and I

Abstract: Antipsychotic + Antidepressant Polytherapy Affects Heart QT Interval

Monday, 25 April 2005 9:49 A GMT+01
Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2005 Jan 25;4(1):1.QT interval prolongation related to psychoactive drug treatment: a comparison of monotherapy versus polytherapy. Sala M, Vicentini A, Brambilla P, Montomoli C, Jogia JR, Caverzasi E, Bonzano A, Piccinelli M, Bar

Abstract: Intensive cognitive behavioural group treatment for social phobia

Monday, 25 April 2005 9:48 A GMT+01
Cogn Behav Ther. 2005;34(1):41-9.Intensive cognitive behavioural group treatment for social phobia: a pilot study. Mortberg E, Berglund G, Sundin O. Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. ewa.

Abstract: Psychological treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Monday, 25 April 2005 9:47 A GMT+01
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005 Apr 18;(2):CD003388.Psychological treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Bisson J, Andrew M. Psychological Medicine, Cardiff University, Monmouth House, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff,

Abstract: Bulking agents, antispasmodic and antidepressant treatment of IBS

Monday, 25 April 2005 9:46 A GMT+01
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005 Apr 18;(2):CD003460.Bulking agents, antispasmodic and antidepressant medication for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Quartero A, Meineche-Schmidt V, Muris J, Rubin G, de Wit N. Julius Center for General Pra

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