15 February 2007
Fish oil unlikely to relieve depression
Despite some evidence linking depression with low levels of omega-3 fatty acids, there is currently no convincing evidence that omega-3 fatty acids alone can relieve depression, according to a report published this week.
Thursday, 15-Feb-2007 09:14 AM :: Comments/Trackback (1-0) :: Anxiety Insights
Sanofi unveils new type of antidepressant
Sanofi-Aventis has announced promising clinical trial data for a new antidepressant drug that works in a different way to others currently available.
Thursday, 15-Feb-2007 09:10 AM :: Anxiety Insights
Phobias A-Z: Walloonphobia
Walloonphobia An abnormal, persistent fear of the Walloons (French-speaking Belgians)
Thursday, 15-Feb-2007 09:10 AM :: Anxiety Insights