Do you suffer from regular panic attacks? Do you feel extremely uncomfortable in social situations? Is your anxiety something you can share with your friends and family? Or does it isolate you? What kinds of problems does your extreme anxiety cause in your daily life? Are you currently getting - or planning on seeking - treatment?
This episode of True Life is looking for people who are willing to share their experiences of what it is like to live with panic disorder.
If you appear to be between the ages of 17 and 28 and want to share your story with us, email with the details of your situation. Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number and a photo if possible.
True Life is MTV's award-winning documentary series that covers topics ranging from pop culture trends to breaking news issues. Using small handheld video cameras our True Life crews are able to blend into the background to capture life unscripted and untouched. This enables us to tell stories from the voices and points-of-view of our characters - putting the series in a unique position of reflecting the state of youth culture at any given moment.
True Life shows that have aired recently include: True Life: I Have Gay Parents, True Life: I'm On Steroids and True Life: I Have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
think about it very carefully. Will it really be in your best long term interests? Get advice from your family, friends, even your doctor and/or psychiatrist and maybe a lawyer before committing yourself to anything. Remember their primary concern is the show and its ratings, not necessarily doing right by you!